How To Complain
CMC strives to provide a high quality service
Respect & the goal to constantly improve
Our Concerns and Complaints procedure is provided in full below.
However, the key messages are:
- Do not hesitate to get in touch
- We will listen
- We will take your concerns seriously
Policy Statement
Case Management Cymru welcomes complaints, seeing them as opportunities to learn, adapt, improve and provide better services.
Sometimes we can put things right; sometimes we can only explain ourselves and apologise. But we do want to learn from our mistakes. What our service users tell us helps us to improve our service.
This policy is intended to ensure that all service users are given the opportunity to make a concern or complaint formal, especially if they feel that a concern or complaint made informally has not been taken seriously or has not been dealt with to a satisfactory conclusion.
Case Management Cymru Ltd believes that a failure to listen to or acknowledge concerns or complaints might lead to an aggravation of problems, service user dissatisfaction and possible litigation. Most concerns and complaints if dealt with early, openly and honestly, can be dealt with and resolved to the satisfaction of all.
Case Management Cymru Ltd believes that all service users have a right to expect that robust policies and procedures are in place for dealing with their concerns or complaints. All concerns and complaints will be dealt confidentially, seriously and promptly. This policy is not designed to apportion blame, to consider the possibility of negligence or to provide compensation; it is not part of the organisations disciplinary policy.
Aim of the Complaints Policy
This policy aims to ensure that the complaints procedure is properly and effectively implemented, and that service users feel confident that their complaint and worries are listened to and acted upon promptly and fairly.
We aim to ensure that:
- Service Users and their representatives are aware of how to complain, and that Case Management Cymru provides easy to use opportunities for them to register their complaints
- A named person will be responsible for the administration of the procedure
- All complaints or concerns are recorded centrally for monitoring and review by the Registered Manager and Responsible Individual
- All formal complaints are acknowledged in writing within 10 working days
- Complaints are dealt with promptly, fairly and sensitively, with due regard to the upset and worry that they can cause to both service user(s) and staff.
The Manager and/or senior person is responsible for ensuring the complaint is reported to the appropriate personnel.
In order for the complaint to be deal with effectively, the complaint should be put in writing in the first instance to:
- Complaints/concerns regarding Support Workers should be made to the Case Manager
- Complaints/concerns regarding a Case Manager should be made to the Directors of CMC Ltd.
Complaints Procedure
To ensure we continue to provide a service that meets your expectations we welcome any feedback.
It is important that service users (or their representatives) let us know that they are unhappy with an aspect of the service they are receiving or have received from CMC Ltd and give us the chance to put things right and learn from our mistakes. Positive feedback is also helpful as it lets us know what we do well and should repeat.
All complaints written and/or verbal, no matter how seemingly unimportant, are taken seriously.
- CMC staff are well trained in identifying signs of potential abuse and providing a service that safeguards vulnerable adults and children. However, if you are concerned about such a situation your first step is to contact the Registered Manager who will instigate our Safeguarding procedures.
- CMC encourages complaints to be dealt with informally in the first instance, as discussing the problem with the person themselves or speaking with a senior staff member may resolve the issue immediately.
- If you don’t feel able to discuss the problem with the person themselves, you feel that the complaint has not been dealt with, you haven’t been listened to or the complaint is of a more serious nature, you should contact your Case Manager or the Registered Manager.
If you require help to do this and don’t have someone who can assist you, we will be happy to find someone from an independent organisation to act as an advocate on your behalf.
- On receipt we will ensure a written acknowledgment, along with a copy of the Complaints procedure is sent out within 7 days of receiving the letter and let you know the steps we are taking to resolve it.
- If no immediate solution is found then we will investigate the complaint fully, contacting those concerned.
- All investigations will aim to be completed within 28 days or sooner if possible. If there are any delays, we will keep you informed
- Once the investigations have been completed, we will invite you to a meeting to provide details of our findings, any action we have or will be taken and proposals to resolve your complaint. You may, if you wish to bring a friend, relative or representative such as an advocate to the meeting.
- If you do not want to attend a meeting, then we will provide you with a written account of the findings, actions and proposal.
- If you are still dissatisfied with the outcome you are advised to write to the Responsible Individual/ Clinical Director who will acknowledge receipt within 7 days and make a final decision within 14 days.
If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of our investigation and your care is managed by CMC you should contact Care Inspectorate Wales :
- Phone: 0300 7900 126
- E-mail:
- Write: Care Inspectorate Wales, Welsh Government Office, Sarn Mynach, Llandudno Junction, LL13 9RZ
If you receive Case Management service from CMC and are dissatisfied with the outcome you should, in the first instance contact your Court of Protection Deputy or your litigation Solicitor.
You may then if you are still dissatisfied with the outcome, you can ask the complaint to be reviewed by the Local Government Ombudsman (LGO). This is a free independent service.
The LGO can be contacted for information and advice, or to register your complaint on:
- Phone: 0300 790 0203
- E-mail:
- Post: Public Services Ombudsman for Wales, 1 Ffordd yr Hen Gae, Pencoed CF35 5LJ
As part of our quality assurance process all concluded complaints are followed up every 3 months and you may be contacted by the Responsible Individual to ensure that you are satisfied with the outcome.